Displaying 1 - 16 of 204

In the hospital with a dire case of COVID, Chet shares a vision of Jesus that gave him peace.

Restored and Renewed – Prayer for Canada’s Identity

What is True Success?

Mike lay on his death bed but determined to trust God that he would recover to marry his bride.

Security forces ramping up protection as Israel observes the high Holy days. Police in Jerusalem are standing guard at every synagogue in the city....

Dodgers players & fans joined together in LA to celebrate a day of faith, family, & purpose.

The daily national news survey at the intersection of faith and politics. Republicans push back as Democrats in the Senate put forward a Supreme...

A car full of teenagers is hit head on by a drunk driver. There is only one survivor, J.R. Gurley, and he miraculously recovers from all injuries.

The White House and Congressional Republicans reaching a deal to raise the debt ceiling happening just days before a potential default on Government...

The world-shaping agenda of billionaire George Soros; Lessons learned as the covid emergency ends; Billions of dollars in reparations proposed for...

Palestinian terrorists fire more than 500 missiles into Israel in 24 hours, sending more than a million Israelis into bomb shelters; CBN News Middle...

4-year-old Christian boy forced to attend London school's gay pride parade; Persecution rises globally against people of faith; The Covid pandemic's...

A whistle-blower wanted for leaking the pentagon's highly classified military documents. A 21-year-old IT Specialist is now behind bars. The DOJ...

Post-covid rule change would give WHO control over global health; Canadian student arrested after challenging school’s woke gender rules; anti-...

Israel putting its forces on high alert after days of taking rocket fire from Lebanon, the Gaza strip and for the first time, Syria. The Biden...

Jermaine Green is hit by a truck and is paralyzed for 2 years. He goes to church on Easter Sunday and god performs a miracle and heals him.


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